2022: What You Need to Know - ORYX FAQs – Coming Soon.2022: ORYX Performance Measurement Reporting Requirements.HCOs must submit a new ECR form for each year and in no case may an HCO be granted an exception for more than five consecutive years.If an HCO is required but is unable to submit eCQM data, the HCO must submit an extenuating circumstance request (ECR) form prior to the chart-abstracted deadline.Health Care Organizations (HCOs) that are required or elect to submit eCQMs are required to submit eCQM data for a minimum of three self-selected quarters, applicable to the services provided and patient populations served.A more specific timeline will be communicated when the platform launch date has been determined. The new Joint Commission DDSP will become available for data submission in the second half of 2022. In 2022, hospitals will begin using the new Joint Commission Direct Data Submission Platform (DDSP) for submission of both electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) and chart-abstracted data submission.These updates affect reporting requirements for Joint Commission–accredited critical access hospitals and hospitals. The Joint Commission updated the 2022 ORYX ® Performance Measure reporting requirements effective January 1, 2022.